Working with conferences
VideoMost help
Before starting
Joining video conferences, registering and logging in
Scheduling conferences
Working with conferences
Conference window (web)
Participants' video area takes the major part of browser-based (in case of Windows OS) conference window. This area is also used for shared document viewing.
The top panel includes buttons for audio and video output configuration, and buttons for switching between video output modes and conference window views.
The color indicator to the right visually displays how many network and CPU resources are currently available for video conferencing purposes.
Conference user's own video feed is displayed separately from other participants' video feeds, in the top right section. List of conference participants, text chat window, and settings window are located below.
Conference window views
The conference window can switch between three view modes:
- Standard mode - main window showing participants' video feeds or shared documents, and the right pane containing other conference components - own video feed, list of participants, text chat, settings.
The standard mode is selected by default. You also can switch to Standard mode manually by clickingbutton.
- Full-screen mode - only the main window is displayed, taking up the whole browser page.
To switch to Full-screen mode, click
To go back to Standard mode, press Esc or click "Standard mode" button at the bottom of the window. - Compact mode - only the main window and top control panel are displayed.
To switch to Compact mode, clickbutton and then resize the browser window as you see fit .
Locations of participants' video feeds
The main part of conference window is dedicated to conference participants' video feeds.
Location of video feed windows depends on the selected mode. You can switch between the modes by using control panel buttons:
- "Speaker stand (auto selection)" is the default mode. You can switch to this mode by clicking
. button. The most active speaker is displayed in the largest window. Speech activity levels are calculated automatically.
- "Speaker stand (click to select)" mode is enabled by
button. In this mode, you can manually select the conference participant to be displayed in the largest window
- "Table" mode is enabled by
button. In this mode, all video feeds are of equal size.
- "One speaker" mode is enabled by
button. In this mode, only the current speaker is displayed.
Number of conference participants' video feeds to be displayed depends on:
- selected view mode (only the current speaker is displayed in "One speaker" mode),
- available CPU power and Internet bandwidth.
Enabling/disabling audio and video feeds
To stop broadcasting your video feed into the conference, click . button. The button will now look like
. Click it again to continue broadcasting your video feed.
To mute your microphone and stop broadcasting your voice into the conference, click button. The button will now look like
. Click it again to continue broadcasting your voice.
To mute your voice input, click button. The button will now look like
. Click it again to unmute the conference voice feeds.
Shared document viewing
Each conference aprticipant can share their documents to be viewed by the whole audience. Only one participant can share their documents at any given moment.
Document viewing management
While speaking, you can share your whole display or any document currently open on your computer.
To start sharing a document, go to "Document" tab and select any document currently open on your computer or "Show all" option. In the latter case, please make sure you have closed all confidential documents and applications before you start sharing.
Viewing documents
All conference participants can view the document page that is currently open on the speaker's monitor.
By default, the document is viewed in "Document" tab of the main conference window, which will open automatically for each participant as document sharing starts.
Document viewing scale and mode can be customized via "Document view modes" drop-down list in "Settings" pane:
- Original size - the shared document is displayed in a separate window, according to its actual size
- Fit to window - the shared document is displayed in the main conference window
- 75%, 50%, 25% - document view scale.
List of participants
All conference participants, whether their video feeds are currently displayed or not, are listed in a box to the right.
Listing order depends on the sorting mode selected in "Settings" pane:
- By joining time - the earlier you joined, the higher you are listed
- Dynamically - all participants are automatically ranked by their speech activity levels. The most active speakers are listed at the top of the list.
To invite new users to join your conference via e-mail, click "Invite" button located below the list of participants. E-mail message containing all information needed to joint he conference will be generated. Type in the e-mail addresses in "To:" field and send the invitation.
Text chat
During a video conference, all users can exchange messages in text mode. Currently, all text messages are public.
To send a text message, type it in and press Ctrl+Enter or click "Send".
Conference parameters can be configured in "Settings" pane. Here you can select and configure peripheral equipment to be used (camera, microphone, speakers or headphones).
Initially, the pane is minimized. Click to open and use the pane.
Sorting conference participants
"Sort participants" drop-down list is used to select sorting mode for the list of conference participants. The following sorting modes are available:
- By joining time - the earlier you joined, the higher you are listed
- Dynamically - all participants are automatically ranked by their speech activity levels. The most active speakers are listed at the top of the list.
Document viewing mode
This drop-down list is used to customize the document viewing scale:
- Original size - the shared document is displayed in a separate window, according to its actual size
- Fit to window - the shared document is displayed in the main conference window
- 75%, 50%, 25% - document view scale.
Document viewing quality
Select viewing quality for the shared documents - Minimum, Average, or Best.
Please consider the available Internet bandwidth when selecting viewing quality, as data traffic in Best mode is significantly higher than in Minimum mode.
This drop-down list is used to select web camera you want to use for video conferencing.
Click "Settings" to customize settings for the selected camera.
This drop-down list is used to select microphone you want to use for video conferencing.
Audio devices
This drop-down list is used to select audio playback device you want to use for video conferencing.
Extra options
Several extra options are also available. Any extra option can be disabled by clearing its checkbox. By default, all extra options are enabled:
- Show user names
- Show network conditions
- Audio notifications for users joining or leaving the conference
Leaving conferences
To leave a conference, click button at the top of the conference windows.
If conference owner leaves, the conference will end automatically.